• A To-Do List for Editors and Creative Directors

    by  • December 2, 2011 • On Communications Tools and Tactics

    Our thanks to a great former colleague, Peggy Neely, for this list of resolutions for editors and creative folks.

    • I will never, ever use a “grip-and-grin” photo in any publication or Web site (unless my job depends on it…and even then, I’ll put up a fight).
    • I will organize my files at least once a year, BEFORE a critical document is lost.
    • I will double-check the spelling of all proper names and will make certain they are spelled correctly in headlines, text and cutlines.
    • I will create a style guide for my publications to insure editorial consistency regardless of how many (or how few) people are involved in writing/typing/editing/proofreading procedures.
    • Each time I produce a publication or Web site I will make at least one improvement, for example, better photography, more careful proofreading, better observance of deadlines, over the last production and I will maintain that improvement in the future.
    • Every time I meet a crank/jerk/fill-in-your-own-word in the course of my work, I’ll remember all the nice, interesting people whom I’ve met while writing, editing and producing print and Web materials. When you look at things in perspective, the good guys always outnumber the bad guys.
